April 2024 Horoscope – Coveteur: Inside Closets, Fashion, Beauty, Health, and Travel


In 2024, there’s one month that jumps out compared to the rest, thanks to a consistent (and chaotic) flurry of rare astrological events. That month has arrived: it’s April! The cosmic weather forecast this month includes our first Mercury retrograde of the year, the most significant solar eclipse since 2017, a Mars-Saturn collision, an auspicious alignment of Jupiter and Uranus, and the start of Taurus season—to name a few. Let’s get into it, shall we?

The month opens with a cosmic joke for us to celebrate April Fool’s Day as Mercury retrograde starts in Aries on April 1st. Mercury is about how we communicate and the infrastructure of our information highways, while Aries is the spirited first sign of the zodiac known to be bold, a bit brash, and always willing to call out the bullshit. So, while the usual hijinx is likely to occur with transit delays and tech snafus, this retrograde also offers us an opportunity to harness the positive powers of Aries by exploring our curiosities, taking risks, and unapologetically expressing our wants and needs.

On Friday, April 5th, Venus enters the pioneering sign of Aries as well. Throughout the month, the planet of love, taste, and desire will be making us more assertive in our pursuit of pleasure while also igniting more passion, adventure, and impulsiveness in relationships. A total solar eclipse in Aries arrives on April 8th. It’s the first one that’s visible across America since 2017 and will be the last one until 2044. Eclipses are known to usher in big beginnings and endings, both individually and collectively. This particular eclipse will be conjunct to the wounded healer, Chiron, which may trigger deeply rooted feelings of fear and insecurity. There’s nothing to panic about, however, because this is in service of helping us to push past self-limiting beliefs and find fulfillment in our life’s purpose.

Two days later, on April 10th, the planet of drive, Mars, confronts the planet of discipline, Saturn. While this won’t be an easy moment to move through due to the malefic nature of both planets, like all things, this too will pass. The spectrum of potential outcomes will depend on your perspective. Ranging from an increase in stress, conflict, and impatience to having the stamina and will to complete the most demanding of tasks, you get to decide how to react in the heat of challenges at this time. Thankfully, we’ll enjoy a cooling down period afterward until Taurus season begins on April 20th. Your mantra for this season is: “I have enough, I do enough, I am enough.

The exact alignment of inspiring Jupiter and innovative Uranus occurs on April 21st for the first time since 2010. Throughout history, when these two planets have united in the sky, we’ve enjoyed fruitful periods of creativity and expansion. Whether it’s scientific breakthroughs, social awakenings, quantum leaps, or cultural milestones, this is a potent energy that can shift paradigms, open new vistas, materialize new opportunities, and spark profound inner liberation.

On April 23rd, we finally exit eclipse season with a full moon in Scorpio, purging any residual energetic gunk that may be left over. By the end of the month, if you’re feeling exhausted from all of the celestial activity, don’t worry because Mars, the planet of energy, will enter its home sign of Aries on the 30th. For the next two months, our ability to get shit done gets revved up thanks to the fiery nature of Aries.

Below, you can find what April’s astrology has in store for every sign.

Important dates in April 2024:

Monday, April 1: Mercury retrograde begins, lasting until April 24th

Friday, April 5: Venus enters Aries

Monday, April 8: Total Solar Eclipse in Aries

Wednesday, April 10: Mars meets Saturn in Pisces

Saturday, April 20: Taurus season begins

Sunday, April 21: Jupiter meets Uranus in Taurus

Tuesday, April 23: Full Moon in Scorpio

Monday, April 29: Venus enters Taurus

Tuesday, April 30: Mars enters Aries

Horoscopes By Sign


This month is serving you as much drama as there is excitement. More than half of the sky will activate your sign, including the Mercury retrograde, the solar eclipse on the 8th, Venus starting on the 5th, and Mars on the 30th. These events all share a common theme: clean slates and new experiences. When your ruling planet, Mars, meets Saturn on the 10th, stay alert for any self-sabotaging behaviors or self-imposed limiting beliefs. You’re encouraged to rewrite your narrative at this time, so try not to be too hard on yourself. Fruits of financial abundance are planted once Jupiter meets Uranus on the 21st. Doors are opening, inviting you to use your natural talents for new opportunities. Which will you walk through?


When was the last time you got lost in a reverie? This month, there’s a ton of activity taking place in your sector of the psyche, meaning it’s time to look inward and reconcile anything that’s been feeling out of alignment. If you’re feeling lost, put pen to paper and give yourself the gift of a brain dump. On the 10th, Mars collides with Saturn in your sector of friendship, which may feel like a reckoning for your social circle. Friends aren’t always forever, and that’s okay. Everyone in our path has something to teach us, and gratitude is always the best medicine. By the 21st, Jupiter will meet Uranus in your sign with the gift of inspiration from your community to elevate you in your personal growth.


Let’s have a kiki! For you, April is about spilling tea, so call up your friends and carve out time to take as many breaks as possible. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is retrograde for the majority of the month so this isn’t the time to be making major moves. Instead, reassess what you want and need from your network in order to be continuously inspired to reach greater heights. The Mars-Saturn conjunction on the 10th could cause a stir-up in your professional life, so remember that if it’s not true, kind, or necessary, then you probably don’t need to say anything at all. On the 21st, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction promises to provide possibilities for freeing yourself from any mental patterns that have kept you stagnant.


You’ve reached the big boss level. The Aries planetary pileup this month is putting the spotlight on you, your public presence, and your career goals. At the same time, Mars and Saturn meeting up in Pisces insists on clarity around your beliefs. Coming up against a line in the sand, a moral boundary that you refuse to cross may be part of the picture. What do you need in order to rise to the occasion? The time has come for you to lipsync for your legacy, at least metaphorically (maybe literally, too, if that’s your thing). Once Jupiter and Uranus meet on the 21st, you can rest easy while your circle celebrates you with a feast and a toast to the hard work being over, at least for a little while.


The world becomes much larger for you this month as a solar eclipse, Mercury retrograde, Venus, and Mars all light up your sector of expanded horizons, higher education, foreign travel, and belief systems. If you have the ability to press pause on work, then the first few weeks of the month would be a perfect time to get away and search for fresh perspectives. The Mars-Saturn conjunction on the 10th highlights endings and tensions in the wallet, but perhaps the end of something is the beginning of a new pursuit towards divinity. You won’t need to try very hard for abundance to find its way to you in work because the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 21st promises to deliver opportunities and connections that bring your star to center stage.


There’s no going back this month. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will retrograde in your sector of shared resources, meaning you’ll need to review and refine the details of your joint assets and debts, as well as sexual and emotional intimacy. Spring cleaning is on the menu. The solar eclipse on the 8th, followed by the Mars-Saturn conjunction, emphasizes that there is a significant turning point you’re moving through. The only way out is through—know that it’s an act of love to acknowledge when something isn’t working anymore. Honor it by letting it become whatever it needs to be next. You take flight on the 21st with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The liberation of your soul is the core of this month’s theme, and the ways in which you see yourself in the world are about to be bigger than ever before.


You are deeply loved. This month, that truth is at the core of every cosmic movement. As Aries season is in full swing and Mercury retrograde is poised to further highlight your sector of relationships, you’re encouraged to reassess what it is you need
now from a partner. The solar eclipse on the 8th lights a fire for connection, so if you’re not already boo’d up, then your time is coming. Take care not to rush headfirst into anything that feels too good to be true because the Mars-Saturn conjunction on the 10th brings a dose of concrete reality, and you don’t want to hit the pavement. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 21st is a deep exhale, allowing you to release any grief, fear, or insecurities that have prevented you from merging into something or someone greater than yourself.


This month brings focus and attention to your health, habits, work, and routine. Once Mercury goes retrograde on the 1st, it’ll be important to review and rethink your approach to the day-to-day rituals that keep you feeling full of life. The solar eclipse on the 8th initiates healing both physically and spiritually, but it’s not without some effort on your part. The Mars-Saturn meet-up shortly after may require you to step outside of your comfort zone and be flexible with changes in how you express yourself and create a better balance between working hard and having fun. Once the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction perfects on the 21st in your sector of relationships, there will be blessings of all kinds for the loving connections you have and still crave to come.


No one can dim your light or silence your voice except you. This month, there is a strong current of cosmic energy flowing through your sector of creative self-expression and it’s critical that you tap into outlets that provide your imagination room to play. Even though this month isn’t all roses and rainbows, there is still beauty to behold in the darker moments too. The Mars-Saturn conjunction on the 10th will require you to place joy as the top priority this month. You may need to rearrange some things at home or with family in order to pursue the most bountiful expression of your life force. By the end of the month, when your ruling planet, Jupiter, meets Uranus on the 21st, there will be nothing and no one to stop the abundance of blessings coming your way.


Few things feel as good as coming home to a safe and nurturing space, and in the chaos of this month’s astrology, you’re invited to seek as much sanctuary as you need within your foundations. As the month progresses and emphasis grows on your sector of belonging, focus on freeing yourself of any emotional baggage. It’s inevitable that between the Mercury retrograde, solar eclipse, and Mars-Saturn conjunction, there will be traffic jams, communication mishaps, and emotional rollercoasters, but these tensions have a purpose. You’ve got something special cooking that’s almost ready to come out and the missing ingredient gets delivered with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 21st.


The questions for you this month are: which narratives that you tell yourself merit rewriting, and can a return to what’s familiar get you back in touch with your truth? As Mercury retrogrades through your sector of learning and communication, consider what you need and want in your brain food. The solar eclipse and Mars-Saturn conjunction between the 8th and 10th are challenging you to overcome any mental blocks that are preventing you from expressing your free and authentic self. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 21st is the culmination of changes and realizations at home that have arisen since 2018, but especially over the past year. Perhaps what you’ve been seeking far and wide has been under your feet this entire time.


Your theme this month is all about defining your self-worth and honoring your values. The Mars-Saturn conjunction on the 10th will be in your sign, supercharged by the solar eclipse in Aries just days before. This is your sector of making and spending money, so it’s a reflection on what your finances say about your personal values. There is a strong push with more than half of the sky in Aries this month for you to become more self-reliant. Sometimes, however, the most important decisions aren’t choices we willingly make, but rather the ones we surrender to when we’re out of other options. By the time Taurus season arrives, and we have the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on the 21st, inspiration will be ready to strike. Whatever comes up, trust that it will lead you to a lucrative and fulfilled future.


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